Vernon-Wister House, Germantown
"Vernon", Germantown Philadelphia, PA

Meng sold the property to James Matthews in 1804, and it was he who built the later portion of Vernon in 1805, which date appears on one of the rain conductor heads. Matthews conveyed the house to John Winter shortly after it was finished. John was a grandson of the John Wister who built “Wister’s Big House”.
This later section, which became the main part of the house, contained a central hall with stair at the southwest end and rooms to the right and left, the first and second floor plans being identical, the older portion then forming the kitchen and servants‘ quarters.
In 1895, the house and property were acquired by the City of Philadelphia, and the house was altered in 1898 for the use of the Germantown Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library. The stairway and partitions in the first and second floor were removed and a gallery formed at the second floor level. In 1907, the ‘library’ moved into its new building. The old house is now vacant (part of the Colonial Germantown Historic District).